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Make a jump start with Ziepod

Ziepod comes with great flexibility and configurability. Before letting you get into the Ziepod, we believe our recommendations will help you how to use Ziepod efficiently and effectively as soon as you start to use Ziepod.

1. Hide Mainframe to Save Space
Blue mainframe and window caption bar located at the top of the window sometimes cover space on your screen that you might not need at that moment unless you are reaching options via menubar.

You can use the button shown at the screenshot to toggle the mainframe and save space by hiding the blue caption and menu bar.

2. Toggle Embedded Player Panel
Embedded player panel enables you manage your playlist and play episodes while checking other things inside Ziepod. To save space, you might like to hide it especially while browsing search results and checking newly detected episodes.

To hide it, just double click on the handle with arrow in the middle as shown in the screenshot given below. This will hide the panel but that clicked handle so that you can make it visible again by clicking on that handle again.

3. Check Preferences
From the menu bar, click on 'File' and select 'Preferences' to check out what options Ziepod provides to you in terms of how to customize Ziepod.

Keep in mind that while mainframe is hidden, you can still reach preferences at one click by placing the 'Settings Icon' on top of the caption, as shown in the sample screenshot.

4. Make Use of Different Visual Modes
Ziepod powers you with four visual modes, each of them to be used for specific cases, such as making Ziepod look like a player while just listening to episodes.

The main goal behind the variaty of visual modes is to provide an effective way to use as less space as possible on your screen in specific cases by eliminating unnecessary buttons and visual features in those specific cases. Click here to learn more.

5. Use Feedzie.com to find podcasts to subscribe
Feedzie provides huge collection of podcasts and episodes, in the order of thousands. You can easily search or browse by tag.

Subscription to podcasts, and playing episodes encountered over Feedzie is as easy as pressing a button, that is, at one click.


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